Retaining and Rcruiting CTE Students 60 minutes session

Recruiting and Retaining CTE Students

60-minute Session Participant Edition

At the conclusion of this professional teaching and learning workshop, participants will be able to: • Identify trends in popular media indicating an interest in CTE • List several components of CTE that graduates have found particularly helpful • Interpret and evaluate trends in recruiting CTE students in Illinois (Using the state-wide CTE Recruiting Survey) • Develop a plan to communicate the benefits of CTE to diverse audiences

Materials you will need: •

Recruiting and Retaining CTE Students Workshop Booklet • Access to • CTE Graduate Profile Book • State-wide CTE Recruitment Survey

Duration 5 2:30 pm 5 2:35 pm




Welcome and intro


Information about the ILCTE project and introductions.



CTE TV Programs Collection Video Teachers will submit a few comments using Chat feature about common threads they saw in the video and popularity of CTE-ish topics in today’s media networks . Provide the link to the CTE Profile book April and display a few pages booklet , indicating graduates’ responses to the four questions and showing how to use the search feature. Give participants three minutes (with music) to search the booklet on their own with the mission of Identifying commonalities within the pages about the impact of CTE courses in careers of the graduates. Participants invited to write several 2-3 word statements and post them on Briefly discuss entries on Menti. 1. What are the most common comments about the impact of CTE? 2. What information did you find most surprising? 3. How could this profile book be helpful to you and your students?


5 2:40 pm

Explore I



5 2:45 pm

Explain I



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