Remote Sustainability
It is very likely that students will find other sources while conducting research. Help them to evaluate the quality of the information, not just accept it as fact because it is on the internet.
● Work with your teacher to find the best way to share your PSA with the intended audience. Preparing for a specific event will naturally set a deadline for completion. It will also lead to a higher quality product. Brainstorm possibilities with your students. They may come up with several venues. ● As people view your display, listen closely to their comments and the questions they may ask. Is your communication effective? This does not dictate that the students stand at their display and explain it to viewers. In fact, just the opposite might be more effective, placing more emphasis on the display itself rather than the oral description. You may wish to modify this activity as follows: 1. Students choose a target audience and create the materials and/or campaign of their choice to inform others of the problem of food waste with the goal of encouraging others to implement strategies to minimize food waste. Students may work alone or in small groups. 2. Use the articles listed above for resources as well as other sources from the Internet or classroom. Possible project suggestions are: ● Design a series of flyers to be distributed at a local grocery store or food pantry. ● Develop a “Food Waste Elimination Plan” for your home which identifies and targets areas of waste. Include a series of small refrigerator posters that can be used as reminders. ● Assemble a photo gallery of food waste images with captions and display in a public place to inspire others to reduce food waste. ● Create and record a series of public service announcements for a local radio station ● Prepare a slideshow presentation about food waste that could be presented to a local club or organization ● Organize a social media campaign to inspire others to reduce food waste with images and text lines that will be shared over the course of several posts. ● Write a Letter to the Editor of a local newspaper concerning the global problem of food waste. Include suggestions for food waste reduction. ● Design a Sustainability or Advocacy FCCLA STAR event. Teachers should observe, monitor, and assess food lab experiences. Careful attention should be paid to food waste and proper food storage. The teacher may then elaborate and extend activities using grading rubrics. One or more of the listed options may be used to assess student learning. A standards-based rubric, written in student language is included for additional options. Please note that all four assessment options are included in the rubric. 1. Students will record a 3-5 minute video of themselves using a free app such as: Flipgrid | Empower Every Voice. The video should explain their understanding of the global problem of food waste and include 5-6 tips that could be utilized to reduce food waste. 5. Evaluate (100 to 150 minutes):
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