Remote Sustainability
11. Properly store unused perishable items for future use, as well as, any leftover prepared food. Each team must delegate tasks since proper food storage cannot be completed in the last few minutes of the class period as they rush out the door.
Properly store unused perishable items for future use, as well as, any leftover prepared food.
3. Explain (25 minutes):
Answer the following questions using the information you learned in the Food Utilization Challenge lab activity.
1. What perishable items have the longest shelf life? Answers will vary, but students should begin to see trends. Fresh food such as meat and vegetables have no preservative added, so they have the shortest shelf life. Processed food often has preservatives added. Just for fun, ask them how long a Twinkie will last.
2. What perishable items cost the most money? This question stresses the importance of timely use and proper storage.
3. Which perishable items have the most uses or can be prepared and stored in various ways? Students experienced this question as they researched and determined their recipe.
4. How can a recipe be modified to prevent food waste? Encourage students to include the wide variety of modifications they found in their research, not simply the ones they used. 5. How are perishable items properly stored for later use? Even with modern technology, there are proper and improper means to store perishable items. You may wish to use this question as a means to discuss methods dating back centuries.
4. Elaborate/Extend (50 minutes):
● Your group is to create a food waste public service announcement (PSA) poster (digitally using a tool such as or manually) that illustrates key points about food waste. The standard method is to use a tri-fold display board. Explore other options. ● You may use this PSA Poster Planning Guide if desired. You may find the following links helpful as you prepare an effective public service announcement poster. ● How to Create the Perfect Public Service Announcement ● 11 Simple Tips to Creating an Effective Ad This activity is not intended to make advertising experts of your students, but to enhance effective communication which is important in all aspects of life. ● Your information must be current and accurate. Start your research with the following links: ● 11 practical ways you can reduce food waste and save money ● 20 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Food Waste ● Food Waste FAQs ● How Much Food Do We Waste? Probably More Than You Think
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