Remote Elder Abuse

Use these questions as a wrap up for the week or end of the lesson. Can be entered into a discussion board or a Google form.

4. Elaborate/Extend: (30 minutes)

1. Work in groups of 5-6 to develop a format for a public service announcement (PSA) that is creative, thoughtful and innovative on how to prevent any form of elder abuse. This can be a flyer, the text for an informercial, information that could be shared on social media etc. Allow students to be creative.

Allow students to create their PSA on any format such as Canva, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest.

2. Individually, think about how you can apply what you have learned in this lesson to a current situation in your life. Write down some ideas on how you can become more aware of possible abuse of the elders you interact with regularly.

Create private journals in Google to answer questions in Google Docs or Google classroom in the comment section .

5. Evaluate:

The following are possible means to evaluate student mastery of the objectives and standards addressed in this lesson.

1. Improvement of post-test compared to pre-test. (found at the end of the lesson)

Use same format that was used for the pretest

2. Differentiate between care vs just caring behavior. The evidence can be through written or oral communication.

3. Identify signs of possible abuse from studying pictures. Use photos of possible elder abuse. Be sure to include elders that are doing well.

Number the back of each photo. Students number a piece paper corresponding to the number of photos you have & identify the abuse categories.

a. Elder Abuse Pictures b. Photos of Senior Citizens c. Elder Financial Abuse & Exploitation Pictures

In small groups, have students search for pictures of above criteria. Put into

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