REMOTE Stop the Bleed Part 3 Wound Packing first page

10. Your teacher will reshow the video: individually, write down the steps that were demonstrated. Stress that after being sure the scene is safe for themselves and the victim to whom they are giving care, it is important to keep “gawkers” and others away to respect the victim’s privacy.

Part 3

For large wounds (Part A)

This is another messy activity, consider doing it outside.

Students will again be doing this activity outside because it is messy. Students will again need a timer and someone to record them doing the activity. They can use the same cloths from the small wound activity.. Student need to be ready to answer questions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. Student videos should be sent to you for viewing and then to share with the entire class at the end of this activity.

1. You will be working in small groups for this activity. You will use the same 2-liter bottle as before but the hole will be enlarged.

2. Have a different person in your group be the “timer” for this activity.

3. Look around your classroom, find something to stop the "bleeding" of this larger wound by packing the larger hole. You might want to consider keeping any “hoodies” that you have cut up for this or the next activity. The larger holes will require something more absorbent to stop the bleeding).

4. How long did it take you to stop the bleeding from a larger wound?

5. Why did it take the bleeding longer to stop on the larger wound than on a smaller wound? Discuss with your group, the difficulty stopping the bleeding of a larger wound. 6. Measure the remaining “blood” in the bottle. a. Did your victim lose more than ½ of the red water in the bottle? Why? b. Is your victim still alive? If yes, why? If not, why not?

7. Did it take you longer than 3-5 minutes to stop the bleeding? Why?

8. Did your victim lose blood more quickly? How quickly? Your bottle had about ½ the amount of actual blood in an adult.

9. What if anything is different than packing a smaller wound?

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