Promoting CTE to Non-Traditional Groups

Additional information for Promoting Careers to Non-Traditional Group of Students.

1. In-school field trip

Have guidance department prepare a list of students for this activity. Involve guidance department as leaders for the in-school field trip. Have all groups go to the auditorium for an informational talk on what is happening. Hand out a flyer for them to share with their parents. The flyer has all class areas listed with a check box next to each. This allows the student to check a box of a program they like and share with parents and guidance counselor when planning n ext year’s classes. Once the auditorium part is over, students are broken up into groups lead by guidance counselors or other administrators. A planned tour of a live classrooms of each content area is conducted on a 5-10 minute basis to see classes in action. If a content area does not have a class, maybe that teacher could talk to the group.

2. Potluck night- or cater meal evening

Invite students and parents to school for a small dinner. Once again use guidance counselors or CTE teachers to help with the occasion. Have a video prepared for the group on CTE areas. Create a flyer with information and checkboxes. Also tours of classrooms could occur with teachers speaking about their course, like an open house.

3. 8 th grade field trip to high school

Similar to #1 above, except 8 th graders are invited for a special session created by administrators or guidance counselors. Here again create a flyer with information and check boxes and allow students the opportunity to tour CTE classes with high school students present.

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