Numeracy, Literacy and Employability group 3


I took every CAD and PLTW course I could in high school and graduated a semester early. Then I went to Morrison Institute of Technology and received my associates degree in CAD as an Engineering Technician. I then applied everywhere I could think RI WR ÀQG D MRE 1RUWKURS *UXPPDQ FDOOHG DQG ÁHZ PH WR :HVW Virginia in November of 2019 for an interview. I was hired a week later and began work in January 2020. I really love what I do and have fun designing everyday. My team is a great group that work very well together and give me their total support. Northrop Grumman will also pay for their employees to continue their education with tuition reimbursement so I am beginning to work on my Bachelors Degree.


Byron High School, Byron, IL Ogle County

Good Communication skills are important; I just gave a presen- tation to my team on one of our software programs. CAD skills are essential and staying organized is also vital to job success. Problem solving skills are used everyday and being able to work within time constraints is mandatory.


CAD Design Engineer

CAD is a very good career and if you are interested, do it. Make a goal and work toward that goal every day. Learn as many software programs in CAD as you can. Find good internships - I LQWHUQHG DW D KRPH UHPRGHOLQJ FRPSDQ\ P\ ÀUVW VXPPHU WKHQ at an aerospace company my second summer.

Northrop Grumman, West Virginia

Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology & Trades

My teachers Mr. McMullen and Mr. Reidner prepared me for this career by continually challenging me with new programs and new problems to solve.

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