Numeracy, Literacy and Employability Group 4
Shone Andrew
I was interested in nuclear engineering from the start of high school and that interest pushed me towards a curriculum heavy in math, physics, and engineering. The skills learned in these courses led me to excel at UIUC in the Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering department. My undergraduate studies helped me learn I have a deep passion for engineering solutions which involve complicated nuclear and atomic physics. Graduate school was the next logical step for my career and I am currently pursuing my PhD at UIUC in plasma and fusion science. My cur- rent career goal is to either work for the semiconductor industry in R&D for semiconductor chips or continue my current research in fusion material research
Saint Charles East High School, Saint Charles, IL Kane County
+LJK OHYHO FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VNLOOV HIÀFLHQW SUREOHP VROYLQJ EURDG knowledge of plasma physics, ability to work in a diverse team, tolerant to stressful environments, and basic engineering skills of modeling, coding, etc.
PhD Graduate Student in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engi-
You will only get out what you put into your PLTW classes or any classes for that matter. I spent countless hours outside of the designated class time on my PLTW projects. I developed skills in high school that immediately put me at an advantage over other students in undergrad and graduate school.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- paign, Champaign, IL
Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology & Trades
One thing I always refer back to is the process of approaching a problem as learned through PLTW IED, POE, and EDD. It is far too common in engineering that people see a problem and im- mediately have a solution. Taking a step back and analyzing the problem almost always produces a better solution.
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