Just How "Smart" Are They? The Big Picture of Student Assessment
➢ Narakeet (used to be video puppet): This is currently a Beta version and is free. When the full version is ready there will be a charge to use this website. Narakeet is video presentation maker with voice over. Use it to convert PPT to video easily, add background music for videos with automated narrator voice online. Just type your voice over test into presenter notes and upload it to Narakeet and it will create your slideshow with voiceover. https://www.narakeet.com/ PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ NCHSE – National Consortium of Health Science Education new 6.p Enhancements - NCHSE offers Health Science Curriculum Enhancements, these documents are designed as resource enhancements, to be used in conjunction with state curriculum resources, plans, and outlines; as well as textbooks and the instructional resources that accompany those textbooks and curriculum materials. The enhancements cost $350 if you living in a member state. $500 if you do not live in a member state. https://www.healthscienceconsortium.org/curriculum-enhancements/ CURRICULUM RELATED ➢ Nearpod – is an instructional platform that merges formative assessments and dynamic media for collaborative learning experiences. You can upload tech-enhanced materials or customize over 7,500 pre-made, standards- based lessons for all K-12 subjects. Students complete assignments independently while you gain insights into students’ understanding with post -session reports. Easily integrates with your LMS (i.e. Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology and more.) Teachers can sign up for FREE.
https://nearpod.com/ CURRICULUM RELATED
➢ NEFE – the National Endowment for Financial Education champions effective financial education. NEFE encourages better understanding of personal finance by identifying and promoting in-depth exploration of financial issues of concern to the public.
https://www.nefe.org/ CURRICULUM RELATED
➢ Newsela.com – Keep learning going even through disruptions. We partner with over 100 of the most trusted names in publishing to bring content to students that excites, with 10 new texts published every day.
https://newsela.com/ PEDAGOGY RELATED
➢ NGPF – Next General Personal Finances offers a wide range of resources from assessments and answer keys and full 1-year course. You can access some services for FREE. https://www.ngpf.org/ CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Norekink - NoRedInk – Engage your students, boost their skills and guide them through the writing process. This is a FREE basic resource. There is a premium version that is not free. https://www.noredink.com/ PEGAGOGY RELATED
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