Just How "Smart" Are They? The Big Picture of Student Assessment
➢ Merlot - MERLOT was created in 1997 as a repository of shareable online teaching and learning materials for individual members of the education community who wished to incorporate the learning materials in technology-based instruction. Membership is FREE. The have a FREE plan and basic plan costs $9.99 per month. https://www.merlot.org/merlot/ PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Minecraft Education Edition – Educators visits the Minecraft: Education Edition community site will find existing lesson plans on pixel art, grid paper to plan students work and even a Minecraft world set up as a blank canvas for students to engage in creative expression. These materials are distributed to the students and the crafting begins. There is NOT a free resource. https://education.minecraft.net/ CURRICULUM RELATED ➢ MobyMax – MobyMax is a wonderful tool to differentiate learning for all students. Since it meets the students at their level, it challenges students above level and on level students as well as remediates students below level. MobyMax allows you to set goals for the students and celebrate their success with them. This is a K-8
resource. MobyMax PEDAGOGY RELATED
➢ MyCAERT – provides teachers with an integrated online system to plan, document, deliver, and assess CTE education instruction. It not only allows access to a complete selection of instructional components, but also serves as a classroom organizational and management tool. Once on the MyCAERT website, in the upper right- hand corner will be a YELLOW box labeled questions. Enter your information into the question box to request access. This is a FREE resource for Illinois teachers.
http://mycaert.com/ CURRICULUM RELATED
➢ Mynextmove – What do you want to do for a living? Tell us what you like to do. What do you want to be? This is a FREE resource. https://www.mynextmove.org/ EXPLORE MY FUTURE ➢ Move It Chrome Ad-on - Busy working on your computer? Spending hours searching the internet. Get active with Move It, the easiest way to be reminded that you should integrate a break into your work online. Simply add the Move It extension to your browser, set the notification interval, and your screen will present you with a random brain break and exercise to complete. Once you complete it, hit done and the next will arrive after the designated interval elapses again. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/move-it/kopilngnmfklhhjocdfdlokmodibcbmk PEDAGOGY RELATED
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