Just How "Smart" Are They? The Big Picture of Student Assessment
Just How “Smart” Are They?
The Big Picture of Student Assessment
90-minute Session Participant Edition
Simply stated, the purpose of education is to make students “smart.” This traditionally means that they “know stuff.” Measuring how much students knew was based primarily on how much they could recall. This is evidenced by the common practice of “cramming for the test.” The Information Age (1985 to present) provides instant access to “all the answers on the test” so the role of memorization is reduced. “Smart” is now defined by what students can do. Can they find the information they need quickly and efficiently, verify its accuracy, and apply it to solve a problem? A multifaceted assessment protocol is required to accurately measure student s’ ability. Objectives: (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy) At the conclusion of this professional teaching and learning workshop focused on assessment, participants will be able to: • Orally and in writing, explain limitations, problems, and strengths of various assessment strategies used in CTE (comprehending or understanding) • Choose appropriate online tools for various types of assessments in CTE (synthesizing and evaluating) • Select an assessment strategy and defend its effectiveness through small group, peer collaborative work (analyzing) • Design an assessment for a given topic and assess its effectiveness in the CTE classroom (creating) Materials you will need: • Access to the Assessment Table, Blooms Diagram, Grade Book, and Assessment Strategies documents • Access to Jam Board • Access to Menti.com
15 min
Prep Pre-assessment
As you log on, please write your name, subject and school in Chat. Please complete the pre-assessment if you have not done so already. We will provide a bit of information about the ILCTE project. Recall a situation where the assessment seemed exceptionally inappropriate for the topic. Perhaps this was memorization of facts that are easily accessed or irrelevant questions or tasks on a test. Write a sentence or two about it and post on Jam Board.
Start 5
Welcome and intro
Jam Board
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