ILCTE Lesson Taking a Temperature
you can see numbers and the long and short lines. Turn or rotate thermometer until you see silver or red in tube. Read from tip to stem. Read to the nearest degree (long line), and the nearest tenth of degree (short line). Recorded temperature properly with identification of F or C.
thermometer to read thermometer. Was able to read thermometer reading within 2 tenths of a degree, of the actual reading. Recorded temperature reading but did not identify if reading was Fahrenheit or Centigrade.
temperature correctly on written record.
5. Evaluate using rubric temperature takings “tip cards” designed by students and evaluated for accuracy. ** Be sure to reinforce the proper procedure for taking a temperature is the best way to accurately evaluate the person’s body temperature and condition.
What grade level do you feel would be most appropriate?
Secondary students
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Post-secondary students
1. Engage : (15 minutes) How will students get interested and excited about learning this material?
1. Your teacher will set up a Mentimeter. Go to and enter the code. Now answer the following question: what one word or short phrase best describes what you know about temperature taking. 2. Your teacher will set up a meeting place using either Zoom or Google Meet. You will play Kahoot with the entire class. The teacher will give you the pin number. The game will be on your computer. Share your screen with the group. Send your students the Kahoot pin number. Everyone can play this game online with you. 3. Play Temperature Taking Kahoot: temperature/6b60f3d6-6417-4f9c-bc53-adf22db5aab5
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