ILCTE Lesson Taking a Temperature
Failed to wash/rinse thermometer before use. Failed to inspect thermometer
Rinse thermometer with cold water. Wipe dry with tissue from stem to bulb. Check thermometer according to policy if broken. Hold at stem and stand away from wall/tables etc. Snap wrist and “shake” thermometer until it is below 94 degrees F, or 34 C. Insert thermometer cover, discard cover after thermometer read and used. Clean and rinse thermometer after use according to company policy. (see book for cleaning instructions. Place covered thermometer under the base of tongue, and to one side of the mouth of patient. Leave in place 2- 3 minutes. Student held onto the stem during the entire temperature taking process. Removed cover and discarded cover properly. Hold at stem, bring to eye level. Turn thermometer until for cracks, chips, breaks. Discard
Rinsed the thermometer with cold water and dried thermometer. Failed to examine for chips/cracks etc. “Snapped” thermometer to get below 94 degrees F, but did or did not get thermometer to that level, but did reduce the level to near 94 degrees F, or 34 degrees C. Covered thermometer with plastic cover. Cleaned and rinsed thermometer after use according to policy. Placed thermometer under the tongue but not secured to the base of the tongue. Did not leave in mouth for at least 2- 3 minutes. Student held onto the stem for part of the temperature taking process. Removed cover and discarded cover properly. Held thermometer securely. Turned
for defects, or discard if damaged. Failed to read
thermometer prior to use and failed to “snap wrist” to lower substance in tube to less than 94 degrees F, or 34 degrees C. Failed to use plastic cover. Failed to clean thermometer after use as per company policy.
Process for oral temperature
Placed thermometer in patient’s mouth but not under tongue or did not place it securely to base of tongue and thermometer fell out. Student did not hold onto the thermometer stem during the entire temperature taking process. Took temperature for less than 2 minutes. Failed to remove plastic cover before reading. Failed to read correct temperature reading within 2 tenth of degree of actual reading. Failed to record temperature, or record
Reading Thermometer and recording reading
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