ILCTE Lesson Taking a Temperature
• Define what body temperature measures? • Identify the body temperature sites. • Determine what type of thermometer should be used when taking an oral, tympanic, rectal and axillary temperatures. • Identify what is a normal adult body temperature? • Explain why one body temperature site should be avoided in persons with heart disease. • Describe what temperature site you would use for an adult temperature? • Demonstrate how to use an electronic thermometer. • Demonstrate how to use a glass thermometer to take an oral temperature.
Why do you think they need to know it (life skills, careers, etc.)?
• Nurse Assistants are often asked to take measure vital signs. Temperature is one of the vital signs. • Measuring accurate temperature helps the nurse plan and evaluate care. • Vital signs detect changes in normal body function. As a member of the Health Care Team, the CNA can help detect changes in the patient’s condition by accurately measuring vital sig ns such a temperature.
What Educational Standards are addressed?
National Health Science Standard(s):
7.1.2b Standard Precautions: handwashing and gloving.
Common Core Learning Standards: CC.K-12.SL.4 Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Expressing their own findings clearly and persuasively. CC.11-12.R.ST9 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g. texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process. Five years after graduation, what should they still know about this topic? How might they be using this knowledge/skill set? • Will still be using this skill when taking a complete set of vital signs on a patient or family member(s). • Will continue to understand why changes in body temperature need to be relayed to other health care members so that the care plan can be changed to address the issue at hand. • Will be able to accurately take body temperature at all the various sites. • Will understand what body sites to avoid and why. • Will still understand how to record body temperature correctly.
5. Evaluate: (15 minutes) What do we need to see to be convinced that they know it?
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