Child Safety

Standards Addressed:

FCS National Standard o

Human Development ▪

12.2 Analyze conditions that influence human growth and development. ▪ 12.3 Analyze strategies that promote growth and development across the lifespan.

• Illinois Gateways to Opportunity Content Area B: Health, Safety and Well-Being o

Physical health, mental health and safety are the foundations for development and learning in children and youth. Professionals collaborate with families, health and other professionals to provide safe, healthy environments to foster the physical, cognitive, language and social-emotional development of children and youth. They take responsibility for providing multiple opportunities for children, youth and families to learn positive habits and decision-making skills that will ensure their health, safety and well-being.

Enduring Understandings: • Know how to create a safe environment and identify hazards for various states of development. • Know where to find reliable and current information regarding child safety.

Resources and References:

1. Computer with Internet access 2. Large index cards 3. Large chart paper to post around the room 4. Colored paper (if they chose to make a booklet or pamphlet) 5. Colored pencils, crayons, or markers 6. Other materials will vary for student students’ presentations 7. Video: •

6 TIPS FOR CHILD SAFETY: How To Keep your Child Safe (6.55)

8. Articles/Websites: •

National Resource Center For Health and Safety In Child Care and Early Education • Developmental Milestones • ADVOKids • Illinois high school student saves choking baby at restaurant ( (3:43) The above article has an imbedded video illustrating the Heimlich maneuver.

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