Assessing with Tech Tools
➢ Stop Motion Studio - Welcome to Stop Motion Studio TV a place where you can watch the latest and coolest movies Stop Motion Studio users have created. You can search for a specific movie or just browse the newest uploads. Create and edit your projects on any device you want. Start a project on one device and finish it on another. This is NOT a free resource. App for iPhone, iPad & iPod costs $4.99. Android and Chromebook costs $4.99. Mac costs $9.99 and Windows costs $9.99. PEDAGOGY & VIDEO RELATED
➢ ViewPure is FREE and removes all distracting comments and side-bar related videos. Which makes the videos you use for your school or social media group purified without all the distractions or "inappropriate content". The members area is FREE. PEDAGOGY & VIDEO RELATED ➢ Vizia – the end of passive viewing! Engage viewers by integrating quizzes, polls and CTAs into videos. Take your videos to the next level. A new type of video content. Ask questions, multi-choice quizzes, and collect feedback through your videos. It will increase your engagement. This is a FREE resource. PEDAGOGY & VIDEO RELATED ➢ YouTube – large video library of videos that can be used as supplemental instruction. Teachers & students can upload their own videos for FREE. CURRICULUM & VIDEO RELATED
Parent – Teacher Conferences
➢ Calendly - Calendly helps you schedule meetings without the back-and-forth emails. The basic plan is free. The premium plan is $8 per month. Calendly ➢ Sign Up Genius – Say goodbye to reply-all emails and paper signup sheets. Save time with online sign ups . Create a Sign Up. Invite Your Group. They Sign Up Online. We Send Reminders. Create a Sign Up. Invite Your Group. ... That's Genius ! School Sign Ups. Manage parent teacher conferences, class parties, book fairs, PTA- PTO volunteers, wish lists and more. They offer a FREEE basic plan. Their next plan is $8.99 per month. SignUpGenius
Online Voice Recorder : Free Chrome Extension
Voice Typing on Google Docs : Voice In Voice Typing Dictanote: FREE & subscription plans
Various links
Vimeo --free up to 5 gb Capture any moment with reliable, professional live streaming.
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