Assessing with Tech Tools
➢ Camtasia - Camtasia is the best all-in-one screen recorder and video editor. Record your screen, add video effects, transitions and more. Software available on Windows and Mac. Try 1 time for free today! $249.99 per user. VIDEO RELATED ➢ EdPuzzle – EdPuzzle is an incredibly easy-to-use video platform that helps teachers save time, boost classroom engagement and improve student learning through video lessons. Use videos from YouTube, Khan Academy, Crash Course and more. If you’d rather record and upload you r own video, go for it! EdPuzzle also collects data as students watch and interact with the video. This is a completely FREE resource. PEDAGOGY & VIDEO RELATED ➢ Flipgrid – Flipgrid is an easy-to-use social learning, video making website that allows educators and students to make video clips. A teacher can create a grid or a series of grids that asks students to discuss topics and questions. The teacher can set the requirements of the responses to the subject, which could include time limits, attachments, video, pictures and several other settings. For educators this is a FREE resource. VIDEO RELATED ➢ MyVR spot – MyVRSpot is a complete, customizable and affordable video and digital media management solution built specifically for K-12 education. Users can easily upload, manage, share, live broadcast and close caption. This is NOT a free resource. VIDEO RELATED
➢ Play post it – PlayPostIt operatives an online learning environment to create and share interactive video lessons. Its platform enables teachers to create interactive lessons. Platform is designed for flipped and blended environments.
This is NOT a free resource. VIDEO RELATED
➢ Powtoon - Powtoon ’s professionally designed templates help you create more video & visual content faster. Build off of the successes of over 27 million users worldwide in every kind of business, and benefit from tons of helpful tips, tricks, training sessions, and guides created to shorten the learning curve and help you get measurable results. They offer a free trial period but then this is NOT a free resource. PEDAGOGY & VIDEO RELATED
➢ Python – Acquire new skills fast in courses that combine short expert videos with immediate hands-on keyboard exercises. There is a FREE trial and a standard plan available for $25 per month. Python CURRICULUM & VIDEO RELATED ➢ Screencast-o-matic – video recording service that allows teachers to record their screen and webcam simultaneously. User-friendly. No download required. Video can be published immediately. There is a FREE version or premium versions for schools with many price variations. VIDEO & PEDAGOGY RELATED
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