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Essential Employability Skills: There are four essential employability skills •
Personal Ethic: integrity, respect, perseverance, positive attitude • Work Ethic: dependability, professionalism • Teamwork: critical thinking, effective and cooperative work • Communication: active listening, clear communication
How it is addressed:
Step 10 of the Explore section requires you to produce a chosen dish in an allotted time that meets specific criteria. You must persevere through the research and development tasks to meet the criterion. Steps 4 and 6 of the Explore section requires analysis of ingredients based on cost and expiration dates. Decisions regarding ingredient cost and expiration must be made. Nearly all tasks assigned in this lesson will be completed in groups. This includes research, brainstorming, and decisions concerning recipes. Also, each group is responsible to prepare a food item in the allotted time.
Critical Thinking
Effective and Cooperative Work
1. Engage:
1. Watch the following video: “The Extraordinary Life and Times of Strawberry” (60 seconds). The Extraordinary Life and Times of Strawberry (:60)
2. Discuss these questions with your peers: a. What did you learn about how strawberries get to your refrigerator? b. How did you feel about the ending?
4. Look at the picture below and write 1-2 sentences regarding what is seen in the picture. Your teacher may ask you to share your responses with the class.
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