Preparing for Retirement as an Educator

Preparing for Retirement as an Educator

January 26, 2024

Professional Development


Dr. Chris Merrill


Rod McQuality

Preparing for Retirement as an Educator

75-minute Session Participant Edition

At the conclusion of this professional teaching and learning workshop, participants will be able to: • Better understand how to prepare for retirement as an educator. Materials you will need: • Access to: haring





Start 5

Welcome and intro

Rod & Chris




Rod & Chris

What are you most excited about when you think about retirement? What are you most concerned about when you think about retiring? Enter answers on Jamboard

Jam Board


Explore I

Rod & Chris

Benefits of public-school employees? Share thoughts from participants.



Rod & Chris

Explore Tier 1 & Tier 2 Insurance No state tax in Illinois What is your pension worth in $$? Calculator Rule 72


Explore II

Rod & Chris

What do you want to do in retirement? Go to Jamboard page 3 and enter your comments.



Rod & Chris

What type of funds will you need to support your retirement goals? Listen to interview with Mick Aten What does retirement look like? Thoughts from a retiree and one almost ready to retire. Social Security Insurance Recreation Travel Supplemental work





Explore III

Rod & Chris

Preparing yourself for retirement.

What are your goals? Revisit your saving plan. As you approach retirement set up meeting with TRS Discuss with a partner what we have shared today and how the information will impact you. Discuss what questions you still have.



Rod & Chris


Elaborate Evaluate

Rod & Chris Rod & Chris



On Jamboard, post what your biggest take away was from today’s session.

Meet Your Facilitators Chris Merrill is a Professor of Technology and Engineering Education, as well as STEM Education and Leadership in the Department of Technology at Illinois State University. Merrill has 26.5 years of experience at the high school and university levels. In 2020, Chris was named the Association for Career and Technical Education National Teacher Educator of the Year. Before becoming a high school teacher, Merrill was a cabinetmaker.

Rod McQuality is a retired Illinois School Administrator. Since retirement, Rod has taught undergraduate and graduate students in the education department at Concordia University Chicago and the University of Illinois Springfield. In addition, Rod has served as Project Director for two different CTE grant projects for the Illinois State Board of Education. Rod has over 40 years of education experience in the public-school classroom, serving as a school administrator and teaching at the college level.


TRS website:

Illinois State Tax:

Rule 72: The Rule of 72 is a calculation that estimates the number of years it takes to double your money at a specified rate of return . If, for example, your account earns 4 percent, divide 72 by 4 to get the number of years it will take for your money to double.

EZ Guide to Tier 1 and Tier 2 Retirement under Public Act 96-0889 Tier 1 ( Before Jan. 1, 2011) Tier 2 ( On or after Jan. 1, 2011) Membership Defined by First Contribution Date

A Tier 1 member first contributed toTRS prior to Jan. 1, 2011 or had previ ous service credit with TRS or a reciprocal pension system prior to 2011, even if he/she left TRS or a reciprocal pension system at any time and then returned to a TRS-covered position. A Tier 1 member can retire: • at age 55 with full benefits if he/she has 35 years of service credit accumulated and the member has elected to have his/her pension determined by the 2.2 percent formula and paid the required fee. • at age 55 with at least 20 years of service credit and receive a ben efit that is reduced by 6 percent for every year the member is under age 60. • at age 60 with 10 years of service and receive benefits that the member has earned. For example, 10 years of service multiplied by 2.2 percent equals 22 percent of the final average salary. • at age 62 with five years of service and receive full earned benefits. Retirement benefits are capped once. The maximum benefit a member can receive is 75 percent of his/her final average salary. The benefit for most members is based on a 2.2 formula: 2.2 percent multiplied by the member’s final average salary multiplied by years of creditable service. A small percentage of TRS members employed before July 1, 1998 have their benefits determined by an older, graduated formula. The final average salary is the member’s highest average sal ary earned during four consecutive years out of the last 10 years of service.

A Tier 2 member first contributed to TRS on or after Jan. 1, 2011 and does not have any previous service credit with a pension system that has reciprocal rights with TRS.

Retirement Eligibility

Tier II requires teachers and administrators to be 67 years old and have accumulated at least 10 years of service credit in order to qualify for unreduced benefits that a member has earned. Tier II members may retire at age 62 with at least 10 years of service, but will receive retire ment benefits reduced 6 percent for every year the member is under age67. Ten years of service is equal to 22 percent of the member’s average salary before any age reductions.

Benefit formulas

Retirement benefits will be capped in two ways. 1. The maximum benefit a member can receive is 75 percent of his/ her final average salary. 2. In determining a final average salary, no member’s salary will exceed a limit that is tied to the Consumer Price Index. Benefits will still be determined by the formula of 2.2 percent multiplied by final average salary multiplied by years of creditable service. Tier 2 benefits will be based on the member’s highest average salary earned during eight consecutive years out of the last 10 years of service.

Annual Cost-of-living Adjustments The annual cost-of-living increase is 3 percent, compounded annually. Annual cost-of-living increases for members will be calculated using

either 3 percent or one-half of the Consumer Price Index as of the preceding September, whichever is less, of the originally granted retirement annuity. If the increase in the Consumer Price Index for the preceding September is zero or there is a decrease, then the annuity will not be increased. When there is an increase, it will not be compounded.

Survivor Benefits

Sixty-six and 2/3 percent of the retired member’s benefit for dependent beneficiaries.

No less than 50 percent of the retired member’s benefit for dependent beneficiaries.

Post-retirement Employment Limitations

Retired members may be employed in another position covered by TRS and retain their benefits, but service is limited to 120 days or 600 hours peryear. The 120 days/600 hours limit is in effect through June 30, 2026. Members can be employed in a position covered by a pension system that has reciprocal rights with TRS, but the annual length of employ ment allowed may be capped by that pension system.

Retired members may be employed in another position covered by TRS and retain their benefits, but service is limited to 120 days or 600 hours peryear. The 120 days/600 hours limit is in effect through June 30, 2026. The law suspends a Tier 2 member’s retirement benefits if the member accepts full-time employment in a position covered by another pension system that has reciprocal rights with TRS.

TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS 2815 W. Washington | P.O. Box 19253 | Springfield, IL 62794-9253 877-927-5877 (877-9-ASK-TRS) | FAX: (217) 753-0964 |

Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois. PUB05 | 6/23

Tier 1 Retirement Time Line Checklist

As Soon as Possible  Attend a Benefit Information meeting. A schedule is available on the TRS website during the fall.  If you have not already submitted a “proof of birth” online in the Member Account Access area, it must be provided to TRS in order to process your retire ment benefit.  Confirm your years of service by accessing your TRS Benefits Report online (updated each November).  Obtain the cost of reinstating a TRS refund, record sick leave from former employers and report optional service. Types of optional service include: • homebound or part-time service before July 1, 1990, • out-of-system service, • military service, • board-approved leaves of absence, • leaves of absence due to pregnancy or adoption prior to July 1983, • involuntary layoffs and • recognized Illinois private school service (must apply on or before June 30, 2028) .  Update your Beneficiary Designation form to ensure that survivor benefits will be paid according to your wishes.  Provide us with your home email address in the secure Account Access area. Emails about legisla tion and other important events will also be sent periodically.  Review the TRS Tier 1 Member Guide, , online.  Inquire about upgrading your pre-July 1998 service to the 2.2 formula. Call us for the cost to upgrade.  Consider consulting with a financial planner. TRS does not provide financial advice.  Determine if any reciprocal service you have accrued will be beneficial to use in retirement. Each retirement system has specific rules about reinstat ing refunded service. 4 to 5 Years Before Retirement  Attend a Benefit Information meeting. A schedule is available on the TRS website during the fall.  Schedule an individual appointment, if necessary.  Request a benefit estimate online in the secure Member Account Access area or by calling us. We will need to know your estimated retirement date; • substitute teaching,

the number of unused, uncompensated sick leave days at retirement; and current and estimated future salary rates, including TRS contributions. Also include any bonuses and extra-duty pay. Year of Retirement  Request an updated benefit estimate (online or by phone).  Attend an It’s Time to Retire meeting held in January and February.  Finish reporting all optional service; this task may take time and research.  Complete payment to reciprocal system for refunded service, if applicable. 3 Months Before Last Day  Complete the Personalized Retirement Interview by calling us or logging on to the Member Account Access area of our website. You’ll be asked a few questions that will complete information in the retirement packet for you. You will receive the packet within three weeks. If you have reciprocal service, you also will need to call the other retire ment system(s) to apply.  Be certain you have provided us with your home email address in the secure Member Account Access area online. You will receive important information about your retirement status by email.  Check on the status of any optional service or 2.2 balances still owed. During the retirement process, you will be asked how you wish to pay any remaining 2.2 balance. Payment can be made either through a lump sum, rollover, or pre-tax reduction from your monthly annuity check. If you have any optional service bal ances, they must be paid prior to retirement, with the exception of pregnancy or adoption leaves.


Tier 1 Retirement Countdown

Return the Forms Mail, fax or upload online through Member Account Access (select “Member Login” button, top right on ).  Application for Age Retirement Annuity We will send you a letter or email when your appli cation is received.  Direct Deposit form You and your financial institution must complete this form. If a joint account, all parties must sign.  TRIP Participation Election form (optional) You must return this form to us no more than 60 days after your retirement date if you want insur ance when you retire. Teachers’ Retirement Insurance Program (TRIP)  The TRIP election form must be received within 60 days of your retirement date.  If you enroll, please choose your insurance using the website or call 844-251-1777.  After you enroll in the insurance program, the identification cards will be mailed directly by your insurance carrier. Allow 60 days to receive your identification and claim forms. Retirement Processing – Allow 60-90 days TRS begins the calculation process. Allow 60-90 days after all balances have been paid in full and all forms have been received and reviewed to receive your first pension check. If you have reciprocal service, we will contact the other systems.  Your employer may not submit the Supplementary Report or Sick Leave Certification to TRS until on or after your last day. These will be submitted elec tronically by your employer on your behalf.  After your retirement is processed, we will send you a notice with the issue date of your first pay ment and the gross amount of your first and regu lar checks.  Your first check may be mailed to your home. Thereafter, your check will be deposited into your

bank account on the first banking day of the month. Post-retirement Information  You must receive your first check to complete any TRS post-retirement employment.  You cannot return to work in the same school year that you last contributed to TRS and you must wait 30 calendar days before returning to work with the same employer.  Do not prearrange any post-retirement employment .  With post-retirement employment, you are limited to 120-paid days or 600-paid hours per year in a TRS-covered position. The 120 days/600 hours limit is in effect through June 30, 2026.  If you retire from another Illinois public retirement system, you must follow that reciprocal system’s post-retirement limitations also. Other Information  If you have no dependents, you will be offered a refund of your 1 percent survivor benefit con tributions along with your first pay notification. Acceptance of the refund waives all rights of your beneficiaries from receiving survivor benefits.  Call the Social Security Administration to determine your available benefits including your Medicare eligibility.

Need a form or publication? Visit and download/print what you need.

TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS 2815 W. Washington | P.O. Box 19253 | Springfield, IL 62794-9253 877-927-5877 (877-9-ASK-TRS) | FAX: (217) 753-0964 |

Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois. INS05 | 6/23

Tier 2 Retirement Time Line Checklist

As Soon as Possible  Attend a Benefit Information meeting. A schedule is available on the TRS website during the fall.  If you have not already submitted a “proof of birth” online in the Member Account Access area, it must be provided to TRS in order to process your retire ment benefit.  Confirm your years of service by accessing your TRS Benefits Report online (updated each November).  Obtain the cost of reinstating a TRS refund, record sick leave from former employers and report optional service. Types of optional service include: • homebound or part-time service before July 1, 1990, • out-of-system service, • military service, • board-approved leaves of absence, • leaves of absence due to pregnancy or adoption prior to July 1983, • involuntary layoffs and • recognized Illinois private school service (must apply on or before June 30, 2028) .  Update your Beneficiary Designation form to ensure that survivor benefits will be paid according to your wishes.  Provide us with your home email address in the secure Account Access area. Emails about legisla tion and other important events will also be sent periodically.  Review the TRS Tier 2 Member Guide, , on the TRS website.  Consider consulting with a financial planner. TRS does not provide financial advice.  Determine if any reciprocal service you have accrued will be beneficial to use in retirement. Each retire ment system has specific rules about reinstating refunded service. 4 to 5 Years Before Retirement  Attend a Benefit Information meeting. A schedule is available on the TRS website during the fall.  Schedule an individual appointment, if necessary.  Request a benefit estimate online in the secure Member Account Access area or by calling us. We will need to know your estimated retirement date; the number of unused, uncompensated sick leave • prior refunded TRS service, • substitute teaching,

days at retirement; and current and estimated future salary rates, including TRS contributions. Also include any bonuses and extra-duty pay. Year of Retirement  Request an updated benefit estimate (online or by phone).  Attend an It’s Time to Retire meeting held in January and February.  Finish reporting all optional service; this task may take time and research.  Complete payment to reciprocal system for refunded service, if applicable. 3 Months Before Last Day  Complete the Personalized Retirement Interview by calling us or logging on to the Member Account Access area of our website. You’ll be asked a few questions that will complete information in the retirement packet for you. Y ou will receive the packet within three weeks. If you have reciprocal service, you also will need to call the other retire ment system(s) to apply.  Be certain you have provided us with your home email address in the secure Member Account Access area online. You will receive important information about the status of your retirement via email.  Check on the status of any optional service balances still owed. If you have any optional service balances, they must be paid prior to retirement, with the exception of pregnancy or adoption leaves.

Need a form or publication? Visit and download/print what you need.


Tier 2 Retirement Countdown

 Your first check may be mailed to your home. Thereafter, your check will be deposited into your bank account on the first banking day of the month. Post-retirement Information  You must receive your first check to complete any TRS post-retirement employment.  You cannot return to work in the same school year that you last contributed to TRS and you must wait 30 calendar days before returning to work with the same employer.  Do not prearrange any post-retirement employment.  With post-retirement employment, you are limited to 120-paid days or 600-paid hours per year in a TRS covered position. The 120 days/600 hours limit is in effect through June 30, 2026.  If you retire from another Illinois public retirement system, you must follow that reciprocal system’s post-retirement limitations also.  The law suspends a Tier 2 member’s retirement benefit if the member accepts full-time employ ment in a position covered by a reciprocal system. Other Information  If you have no dependents, you will be offered a refund of your 1 percent survivor benefit con tributions along with your first pay notification. Acceptance of the refund waives all rights of your beneficiaries from receiving survivor benefits.  As an annuitant, annual cost-of-living increases will be calculated using either 3 percent or one-half of the Consumer Price Index as of the preceding September, whichever is less, of the originally granted retirement annuity. You will receive an annual increase on the Jan. 1 occurring either on or after the attainment of age 67 or the first anniver sary of the annuity start date, whichever is later.  Call the Social Security Administration to determine your available benefits including your Medicare eligibility.

Return the Forms Mail, fax or upload online through Member Account Access (select “Member Login” button, top right on ).  Application for Age Retirement Annuity We will send you a letter or email when your appli cation is received.  Direct Deposit form You and your financial institution must complete this form. If a joint account, all parties must sign.  TRIP Participation Election form (optional) You must return this form to us no more than 60 days after your retirement date if you want insur ance when you retire. Teachers’ Retirement Insurance Program (TRIP)  The TRIP election form must be received within 60 days of your retirement date.  If you enroll, please choose your insurance using the website or call 844-251-1777.  After you enroll in the insurance program, the identification cards will be mailed directly by your insurance carrier. Allow 60 days to receive your identification and claim forms. Retirement Processing – Allow 60-90 days TRS begins the calculation process. Allow 60-90 days after all balances have been paid in full and all forms have been received and reviewed to receive your first pension check. If you have reciprocal service, we will contact the other systems.  Your employer may not submit the Supplementary Report or Sick Leave Certification to TRS until on or after your last day. These will be submitted elec tronically by your employer on your behalf.  After your retirement is processed, we will send you a notice with the issue date of your first pay ment and the gross amount of your first and regular checks.

TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS 2815 W. Washington | P.O. Box 19253 | Springfield, IL 62794-9253 877-927-5877 (877-9-ASK-TRS) | FAX: (217) 753-0964 |

Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois.

ins04 - 6/23

Our team has presented over 70 virtual Professional Development sessions to 100’s of registered attendees. Here are some comments from our attendees:

“ You guys were great! What a great team! Highly recommend. ”

“ I really enjoy all the workshops that ILCTE provides. I am a CTE teacher and I am always looking for PD in my area. I would be interested in anything you offer for CTE teachers. ”

“ Thanks for a great day of learning and networking! ”

“ Everything was very well planned and I enjoyed listening to the speakers. They had a wealth of knowledge! ”

“ It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it and getting to network with others. ”

97.6% of all Professional Development attendees would recommend our sessions to peers!

Topics for Professional Development (click on highlighted topics for specific agendas)

• Recruiting and Retaining CTE Students • Making My Move-Engaging Your Students • Intro to 5E Structure • Tech Tools -multiple sessions with different tech tools being highlighted

• Just How Smart are They? (Student Assessment) • Discover the Impact of CHSI (Celebrating High School Innovators) • Recruit, Retain, Reenergize the Lemonade Stand • Roundtable discussions with teachers from each content area (Health/Science; Business/Arts Communications/Information Technology; FACS/Human and Public Services; Tech; Counselors; Agriculture) • Best Practices of PLC’s • Assessment Using Tech Tools • Numeracy, Literacy and Employability

• NEW sessions based upon individual needs

Contact Information:

Rod McQuality 217 454-8362

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