
2. Explore:

Food Utilization Challenge: 1. Gather 5-10 perishable items that include dairy, protein, fruits, and vegetables; you may be able to find these items within your school, but if not, you will need to obtain these items from a local grocer. Consider including butter, eggs, milk, one fruit, 2-3 vegetables, and one protein so you will have some items left to store for later.

2. Obtain a shelf stable pantry item such as: canned beans, canned tomatoes, salsa, spaghetti sauce, rice, pasta, flour, sugar, various herbs, spices and seasonings.

3. As an individual or group, look over the items available for 3-5 minutes. • Compare the items as to where they were stored, why they were stored in that location, etc. • Check the list of ingredients. Are there preservatives added? • Is there an expiration date?

4. Assess the Cost Sheet of the perishable items (the first two columns are completed based on food items purchased for the lab).

5. Determine the use by dates. •

All perishable items were purchased two days ago. • Refer to pages 4-9 of this Food Storage Chart and Still Tasty website. • Determine which perishable items need to be used first based on cost, shelf life, and versatility. • Complete the last three columns of the Cost Sheet. 6. Brainstorm a list of lab possibilities (may use the Internet and classroom resources if desired) to prepare a dish or two using available ingredients. Properly store some perishable items for later use. 7. In order to eliminate food waste, determine any substitutions or adjustments to be made based on available ingredients on hand, e.g., using Rice Krispies as a filler/binder for a meatloaf instead of crackers. 8. You are not required to use the entire amount of all perishable items, but you are required to properly store the leftover and unused ingredients for future use. Use the following resources to determine how to store unused perishable items: • How to Freeze It: The Right Way to Store Meat, Produce, and More • Food Storage Chart • Still Tasty 9. After evaluating alternatives, select a dish to prepare and plate in the allotted time frame allowed. The following Google Doc may be used, if desired, to assist planning for the lab. Lab Planning Sheet - Minimizing Food Waste

10. Prepare chosen dishes in the allotted time.

11. Properly store unused perishable items for future use, as well as, any leftover prepared food.

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