Schoolmasters Literary Contest

Schedule for Rochester

Room 1022 at 10:15

Division: Individual Mono logue Humorous Selection1: The Camping Trip Selection2: Students: Arabella Weller Division: Individual Mono logue Humorous Selection1: Cat's Meow Selection2: Students: Carter Prindle Division: Individual Mono logue Humorous Selection1: First Touchdown of the Season Selection2: Tysen Bruce Students: Tysen Bruce

Room 1023 at 10:15

Room 1024 at 10:45

Room 1023 at 10:45

Division: Duet Regular Selection1: Hut, Hut, Hut Selection2: Students:

Josie Campbell Charlotte Judd

Room 1021 at 11:00

Division: Small Group Selection1: A Magical Retire ment Selection2: Students: Aynslie Garland - Sutter Jazzy Stubbs Abby Lueking Division: Individual Mono logue Humorous Selection1: Children of the Corn (sort of) Selection2: Students: Aubrey Pyle

Room 1026 at 11:00

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