They would be in the same cluster of tasks.

3. Based on your checklist, what cluster of things do you like to do?

4. Based on your checklist, what cluster of things do you dislike doing?

5. Write an example of when you knew exactly what you wanted to do and went straight toward it.

6. Write an example of a time when you had a goal or target but took a “round - about” way to get to it.

7. How does your straight path and “round - about” path re late to your career?

4. Elaborate/Extend:

If you have computers or internet available:

1. Sign in to your Illinois Career Information System account. 2. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner. You will see this screen

3. Click on the “More” in the bottom left corner, 4. You should see this screen.

5. Click on the career cluster inventory (I have two saved, you probably only have 1!) 6. You should see this screen.

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