Struts and dihedral:

1. Cut two rectangles th at are 1” wide by 3” long. A few students will realize that the struts look better if they angle forward.

2. Tape the struts between the wings near the ends (but not on the ends). The precise location does not really matter, but they usually look best at about 1 ½” in from the wing tips of the lower wing. 3. It looks best and flies best if the wings angle up slightly. Both wings can be carefully bent so the tips are about 1” above the center. This will make the model look more realistic and will be a bit more stable in flight.


1. Look at photos of old airplanes and cut a rudder from cardboard any shape you want. It should be about 3 ” by 3 ” but it could be a little bit smaller. The shape of the rudder and elevator is up to the students. Of course, rectangular will be easier to draw and cut.

2. Draw it on cardboard and then cut it out.

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