Remote Sustainability

Lesson Overview: Sustainability is a multifaceted issue, in which the food production system and our diets play a crucial role. Achieving a healthy and sustainable food future is an urgent matter that depends on global collaborative efforts (Harvard University School of Public Health) . In this lesson, students will be learning about sustainability of food through hands-on activities. These activities will include preparing a meal while also considering uses for leftovers and utilizing food storage and preparation in order to diminish the cost and environmental impact of food waste.

Classes or Discipline:

● All Culinary/Foods Classes ● Intro to FCS

● Independent Living/Adult Living ● Agriculture Resource Management

Career Cluster:

● Human and Public Services

Illinois CTE Endorsement Area: ● Human and Public Services

Grade Level(s): ● In a comprehensive FCS program, this topic is appropriate for grades 9-12.

Anticipated Days/Minutes: 5 to 7 class periods of 50 minutes each.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this lesson and activities, students will be able to: 1. Explain, in writing, oral discussion, and through the completion of lab activities, the cost and environmental impacts of food waste and sustainability practices. 2. Formulate meal planning that focuses on sustainable practices (eliminating food waste). 3. Plan and implement proper food storage and preservation methods. 4. Justify, in writing, the importance of reading/following a recipe to eliminate waste of material and time.

5. Demonstrate, through the creation of a planned meal, using food leftovers. 6. List, discuss, and use common food substitutions and equivalents in recipes.

Standards Addressed: ● Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Cluster Food Products and Processing Systems Pathway Knowledge and Skill Statements ● Human and Public Services Pathway Knowledge and Skill Statements

● ESS02.06 Develop and deliver formal and informal presentations using appropriate media to engage and inform audiences. ● AGPA01.01 Design and implement procedures and plans that demonstrate application of food processing principles to manage quality control in the food product and processing industry. ● AGPA01.04 Identify and apply food processing, handling, and storage factors to demonstrate their impact on product quality and safety.

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