REMOTE Stop the Bleed Part 3 Wound Packing first page
1. Engage: (20 minutes)
1. You will receive a short quiz from your teacher. Do your best!
Copy & paste the pre/post quiz found at the end of this lesson into either a Google or MS document and assign to students. Keep track of your student’s pre-scores for comparison in the evaluate section. 2. Your teacher will set up a Kahoot! game for you. Click here and enter the game code that your teacher will provide. Open the Kahoot! Wound Packing in Emergencies Display the Kahoot! questions by sharing your screen for all students to see. Have students log into Kahoot! and the enter the pin number that you will give them. After the Kahoot! game, ask students to be prepared to answer questions 3-6 below. Here are the similarities: characteristics of arterial bleeding, the Good Samaritan Act, articles that can be used for bleeding control, amount of blood in the average adult body and possible use of hand sanitizer. 5. Was there any information that you did not already know? If yes, what? What is the difference between arterial bleeding and venous bleeding? Venous blood is dark red in color. Arterial blood is bright red in color. Venous bleeding can be a continuous ooze while arterial bleeding will be spurting with each beat of the victim’s heart. 6. Are there any areas on the body that CANNOT be packed? Take 5 minutes and research this. Abdominal and chest wounds cannot be packed. You can only apply pressure. 3. Discuss with a partner, were there any similarities between the quiz and the Kahoot!? 4. If yes, what were they? Did you think they were important to know?
2. Explore: (60 minutes)
Have students go outside for this activity if possible. It will be messy.
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