Website Resources
➢ Liveworksheets - Liveworksheets allows you to transform your traditional printable worksheets (doc, pdf, jpg...) into interactive online exercises with self-correction , which we call "interactive worksheets". Students can do the worksheets online and send their answers to the teacher . This is good for the students (it's motivating), for the teacher (it saves time) and for the environment (it saves paper). Additionally, our interactive worksheets take full advantage of the new technologies applied to education : they may include sounds, videos, drag and drop exercises, join with arrows, multiple choice... and even speaking exercises, that the students must do using the microphone. PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Loom – You talk 6 times faster than you type. With Loom, you can capture your screen, voice, and face and instantly share your video in less time than it would take to type an email. This is a FREE resource. PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Loop – Student feedback made easy! Ask your students anything in under 30 seconds on Loop’s easy student feedback app or website. Teacher’s plan is FREE. 2F PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Mae Endy Dream Works – This is NOT a free resource. There are several groups of lessons available for purchase on the Teachers pay Teachers website. MEDICAL BASICS 101 (Part 1) by DreamWorks | Teachers Pay Teachers CURRICULUM RESOURCE ➢ Make – is an online community of people across the glove that “make” things. This site would be a good resource for students and teachers who are looking for makerspace-type of projects. Some existing projects could be completed at home with minimal tools and materials, while others require sophisticated technology. CURRICULUM RELATED ➢ Menti - Create interactive presentations & meetings, wherever you are! Use live polls, quizzes, word clouds, Q&As and more to get real-time input - regardless if you’re remote, hybrid or face -to-face. PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Merlot - MERLOT was created in 1997 as a repository of shareable online teaching and learning materials for individual members of the education community who wished to incorporate the learning materials in technology- based instruction. Membership is FREE. The have a FREE plan and basic plan costs $9.99 per month. PEDAGOGY RELATED
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