Just How "Smart" Are They? The Big Picture of Student Assessment

➢ Read to Lead -5-9th graders, matches Lexile, college/career readiness anchor standards. Learning games & lessons that put middle school students in charge of a workplace. They will learn that being the boss is demanding, aspirational, a lot of reading and conversational. This is a FREE resource. rtlgames.org/#/how-it-works EXPLORE YOUR FUTURE

➢ Readtheory.org – Improve your students reading comprehension. Personalized reading comprehension exercises for K-12 and ESL students. This is a FREE resource.

https://readtheory.com/ CURRICULUM RELATED

➢ Readworks – Readworks is driven by cognitive science research. FREE content, curriculum, and tools to power teaching and learning for K-12 students. https://www.readworks.org/ CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Reality Store – this is a simulation to help students understand the cost of living. By understanding what costs, they incur may help them decide what type of career to pursue. A manual for $35 or a CD for $50 or both for $75.00. https://www.infbpw.org/reality-store/ EXPLORE MY FUTRE & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Real Rap w/Reynolds (YouTube) – Do you need to re-energize your passion to be an effective educator? Do I need to know who my students are? What YouTubers are they watching? What music do they like? What are they reading? What video games do they spend hours playing? What neighborhood are they coming from? When you know your students and where they are coming from you can teach through a lens that is engaging and meaningful. You can have students that are excited about learning. Students that can’t wait to get to your class. Students that you form bonds with that last for years to come. https://www.realrapwithreynolds.com/ PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Reflex – When you use Reflex, kids love math. They offer a FREE trial or FREE with their grant. Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for grade 2-12. Full of games that students love, Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence. As educators and parents love the powerful reporting that allows them to monitor progress and celebrate success.

https://www.reflexmath.com/grant CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED

➢ Remind – Remind is great to use when internet is down or at any time. Reach students and parents wherever they are, school, home, or everywhere in between. 2-way communication for updates, instruction and more at every level. This is a FREE resource. https://www.remind.com/ PEDAGOGY RELATED

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