ILCTE Lesson Spreadsheets
Students participate in various activities that teach them the basics about spreadsheets.
Illinois CTE Endorsement Area: Business, Marketing, and Computer Education
Lesson Title: Spreadsheets
Lesson Author: Ryan O’Shea
ILCTE Leader: Betsy Westergreen
Lesson Created: June 2020
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Lesson Overview: Students participate in various activities that teach them the basics about spreadsheets.
Responding to the immediate need of online resources, the ILCTE Innovative Curriculum Resources Project conducted a series of Professional Learning experiences. We wish to express our appreciation to the teachers for creating and sharing a lesson. This lesson is provided as a guide for online teaching. Click here to provide feedback on your implementation of this lesson.
5 E Lesson Plan
Teacher: Ryan O’Shea
School: Cairo High School (Cairo, Illinois)
Students will be able to define a cell given a data range and set of values.
Students will be able to format a cell given a data range and set of values.
Students will be able to reference an absolute cell given a data range and set of values.
Students will be able to fill a group of cells given a data range and set of values.
Students will be able to use the built-in functions (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, SUM) in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
Students will be able to define a function given a data range, set of values and defined problem.
Students will be able to describe the important element for every function.
NBEA Standards:
Accounting V: Accounting Process
Achievement Standard: Complete the steps in the accounting cycle in order to prepare the financial statements.
Performance Expectations:
• Describe the impact of technology on the accounting process
Accounting VI: Interpretation and Use of Data
Achievement Standard: Use planning and control principles to evaluate the performance of an organization and apply differential analysis and present value concepts to make informed business decisions.
• Explain how to apply appropriate information technology to the accounting system.
Information Technology I: Impact on Society
Achievement Standard: Assess the impact of information technology in a global society.
• Use technology to achieve academic success and lifelong learning. • Identify uses of information technology in the home, school, workplace, and global society. • Explain how information technologies meet human needs and affects quality of life. • Describe how information technology changes social mores, including approaches toward work, family, school, and other cultures.
Management VIII: Technology and Information Management
Achievement Standard: Utilize information and technology tools to conduct business effectively and efficiently.
Identify technology tools
• Explain how technology is used to accomplish goals • Identify information used in decision making in the business environment • Use electronic resources to access and transmit information • Use appropriate technology tools for business applications. • Select appropriate technology tools for conveying information, solving problems, and expediting business processes.
Illinois Learning Standards:
State Goals/Illinois Learning Standard(s):
• 1A.4b . Generate ways to develop more positive attitudes. • 1B.4b. Analyze how positive adult role models and support systems contribute to school and life success. • 1B.5b. Evaluate how developing interests and filling useful roles support school and life success. • 18.A.5 Compare ways in which social systems are affected by political, environmental, economic, and technological changes – Excel Labs • 18. B.5 Use methods of social science inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support conclusions with evidence, report findings) to study the development and functions of social systems and report conclusions to a larger audience. • 18.C.5 Analyze how social scientists’ interpretations of societies, cultures, and institutions change over time. • 5.A.4a Demonstrate a knowledge of strategies needed to prepare a credible research report (e.g., notes, planning sheets). — Excel Labs • 5.B.4b Use multiple sources and multiple formats; cite according to standard style manuals. — Excel Lab 2 and Excel Lab 3 • All Learning Standards in Math – Understanding how to solve problems and think critically. Common Core: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.7 Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.
Math N-Q 1. Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.
N-Q 3. Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.
Show students some houses on Zillow or another real estate website. Ask them to write two to three sentences on what
their dream home would look like. You could use to do this introductory bell ringer activity.
The students will be given some handouts on Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and the basics of formatting a
cell or group of cells, creating functions, and utilizing built-in functions.
Students will be introduced to concepts and definitions related to spreadsheets to utilize Microsoft Excel or Google
Sheets. Students will be introduced to the relationship between a row and a column and the concept of a cell. The
headings of a spreadsheet will be introduced columns from A to ZZ and rows from 1 to infinity so that students will see
the intersection of a row and column which constitutes a cell.
Then, students will be introduced to cell formatting. A cell can be formatted as text, number, decimal,
percentage, date/time, online link, and a function. [See handouts and Screencastify demonstration.]
The students will also be given the Coaches’ Realty example. Students wil l enter the fictitious data into Microsoft Excel
or Google Sheets. Students will then be introduced to formatting a cell with the data. Then, students will begin creating
small functions. Then, students will create a function using an absolute cell. Then, students will use the built-in
functions of Microsoft Excel to total the property sales for each realtor. [A Screencastify MP4 video has been created to
accompany this lesson with Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets versions.]
• How do you format a cell or group of cells?
• What do all functions need to work properly?
• How do you perform a size to fit for a column or row?
• What built-in function will total a column or row for you?
• What spreadsheet operator allows you to multiply two cells in a spreadsheet?
When finished, students will complete the Coaches Realty — Sales for July. Students will role play as real estate
brokers for clients who are attempting to sell property. Students will have to calculate selling price, difference, and
commission as well as totals. Students will be given a different set of set of realtor data for the month of July. Students
will have to calculate the selling price based on the new selling price for the customers in July. Then, they will have to
calculate the difference and commission with a new commission rate. [If a student has difficulty, they can refer to the
Screencastify demonstration as a reference.]
Students will possibly work in pairs or alone as a real estate broker for clients seeking to purchase property.
They will be given a set of seven clients and their needs. Students will locate property to meet the needs of clients and
their price ranges. They will have to use Zillow or a similar site to locate property for purchase. Then, they will create a
short presentation for each client with 2-3 slides for each client. Then, they will rebuild the spreadsheet with their
findings with the selling price as 75 percent of the asking price. Then, students will calculate the difference, commission
and totals with a new commission rate.
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