ILCTE Lesson Taking a Temperature
1. What happens if you see a patient experiencing signs of sweating, or states that they feel very cold?
Check their temperature after checking with the nurse to be sure that you will use the correct temperature site for that person.
2. What should you know before you operate any thermometer that you have never used?
Be sure that you understand how different each type of thermometer is and have been trained in their appropriate use.
3. What should you do if your patient is unable to tolerate or cooperate with having their temperature taken orally?
Check with nurse for the correct thermometer and site to use with that patient.
4. Would you use a glass thermometer in the mo uth of an Alzheimer’s patient? NO 5. Why is important to take a patient’s temperature? To check for any change in the patient’s body temperature – temperature above or below normal, and to assess patient’s condition, for anything that might be life- threatening. 6. What 5 body sites can be used for measuring temperature? Temperature can be measured orally, axillary, rectally, at the Tympanic membrane and at the Temporal artery. 7. What one site should be avoided in patients with heart disease? Rectal 8. What is normal body temperature using a oral glass thermometer? Axillary site? Rectal site? Tympanic site? Temporal site? Oral 97.6F to 99.6F, Rectal 98.6F-100.6F, Axillary 96.6F-98.6F, Tympanic membrane 98.6F, Temporal artery 99.6F 4.Elaborate/Extend: (25 minutes) What situation can we set up so that students can build on their new knowledge to learn more? How can students use the knowledge/skill gained in this lesson to apply in other situations, for example in the “real world” or in other cla sses? 1. Individually or in groups, using Google Docs, Zoom, Google Meet or any other online meeting group, create a c omplete a set of “Temperature Taking Tip cards” (oral, rectal, axillary, tympanic) that you could use to instruct another student with on how to take a Temperature correctly. Let students be creative! Steps for proper Temperature Taking including: a. Washing hands properly before donning gloves. (if gloves are available at home) b. Rinsing thermometer with cool water. Dry with tissue.
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