ILCTE Lesson Interviews
Students will use Alice 3.1 to create a storyboard.
Illinois CTE Endorsement Area: Business, Marketing, and Computer Education
Lesson Title: Interviews
Lesson Author: Jennifer Williams
ILCTE Leader and Lesson Consultant: Betsy Westergreen
Lesson Created: June 2020
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Lesson Overview: Students will use Alice 3.1 to create a storyboard.
Responding to the immediate need of online resources, the ILCTE Innovative Curriculum Resources Project conducted a series of Professional Learning experiences. We wish to express our appreciation to the teachers for creating and sharing a lesson. This lesson is provided as a guide for online teaching. Click here to provide feedback on your implementation of this lesson.
Teacher: Ms. Williams
Date: June 15, 16, 2020
District: North Mac CUSD #34
School: North Mac High School Lesson Title: Alice 3.1 Storyboarding
Subject: Computer Science
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Unit Title: Storyboarding
Learning Objective(s):
Student will be able to create a 10-frame scripted storyboard for an Alice 3.1 program they are programming.
Assessments: Formative Assessments: Share comic strip examples of storyboarding. Summative Assessment: Create a ten-frame scripted storyboard to program in Alice 3.1 5E Learning Cycle: Engage Have students go to and choose a popular comic strip. Have each student share/show to the class the comic strip found. Explore
- Tell students they will be creating a story to program using Alice 3.1., that must be storyboarded first, same as a comic strip. - Show/explain How to Use the Scene Editor at - Show/explain Creating a Storyboard at - Show/explain Creating a Programming Script at - Define setting (place or surrounding); plot (main events of the story); characters (persons, animals, animated things in the story); conflict (struggle against the main character); solution/conclusion (how was the conflict resolved, usu. in the last frame). Visit the Peanuts comic strip website with students at . Show examples of 10+ comic strip frames.
Students should be in class during this lesson [can use Zoom, Teams or other online class meeting software]
Evaluate Students will create a 10-frame, scripted storyboard, using Windows Paint, Office 365 – Word, PowerPoint, or any other tool you have available, including storyboarding on paper and taking a picture of it. - Storyboard should include in the first frame a title, student’s name (author). - Nine other frames should include a setting plot, characters, conflict, solution/conclusion. Provide a rubric for evaluating the storyboard at 1hrbsok.pdf Language Modification(s): Can use to define plot, characters, conflict, solution/conclusion. Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations) Students may choose characters. Variation in skin color, etc. selection is provided in Alice 3.1 Scene Editor development. Materials and Resources: Zoom (or Teams); Office 365 (Word, PowerPoint); Windows Paint; Storyboarding software; YouTube videos. Technology: NET-S: I. A - Creative and Innovation; IV.B – Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision- MakingVI.B – Technology Operations and Concepts
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