ILCTE Lesson Infection Control Heroes
c. What are the different kinds of isolation? d. Does every infection require you to wear gloves? If yes, why? If not, why? e. Are some infections not contagious? If not, why? If yes, why? f. What’s the big deal about handwashing?
Online teaching: gloves and masks may need to be sent to students, but gowns can be improvised with a bathrobe or button up shirt
3. Explain (10 minutes):
What questions can they answer if they are beginning to understand this material? 1) What are the links in the infection chain? (infectious agent-reservoir-portal of exit-mode of transmission-portal of entry-host (susceptible)) 2) What is the most important and cheapest weapon against spreading infections? (handwashing) 3) How does social distance reduce the risk for transmission of disease? (the greater the space between people the less likely the microbes can travel that far)
4. Elaborate/Extend (20-40 minutes):
What situation can we set up so that students can build on their new knowledge to learn more? How can students use the knowledge/skill gained in this lesson to apply in other situations, for example in the “real world” or in other classes?
Activity Choice: #1 Case studies and reflection (this can be done individually or in small groups) An introduction to the students could be: If you were the CNA what would you do? Or How does this case study relate to something that you saw in the news or in your life? 1. Read the following scenarios and be prepared with your answers: The nursing center that you are working at has an outbreak of the flu. How do you think that you could stop the spread of infection? Answers : students can construct a chain of infection for the spread of flu in the nursing center, this is also a good time to start talking about or reinforcing handwashing 2. You see a nurse walk out of a resident’s room and she does not wash her hands. What do you say to her? Answer: Politely remind her that she did not wash her hands or ask her if the room needs more soap or paper towels 3. Your resident has a wound on their heels because their shoes were too tight. What do you do? Answer: Tell the nurse and use descriptive words that include size, where the wound is located, and an objective description (redness, swelling, drainage, fever)
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