ILCTE Lesson Infection Control Heroes
Suggested activities for learning vocabulary in the classroom: Headbands – split students in teams of 3-4, put vocabulary on note cards, have one student select a card, do not look at it but show it to the group. The other students offer clues to the first student so the first student can guess the term. Once the first student guesses the term, the subsequent students follow the same pattern – taking a term, not looking at it, show it to the group and try to guess the term based upon the clues given. Suggested online activities: Develop a Quizlet to assist with terminology for students who need repetitive review and Quizlet can be a matching game. Can use Pear Deck or plain google sliders and have students create a slide(s) for terminology. A matching game can be developed using this link: worksheet-generator/matching-lists.html A crossword puzzle game can be developed using this link: 1. In small groups, research the chain of infection. Be prepared to discuss the following: a. Identify & describe each infection link of the chain. b. Describe anything that can “break” a link in the infection chain. 2. Students will watch this full video on the chain of infection associated with Ebola. (7.24) Ebola 3. Be prepared to answer the following questions - this video can be rewatched if necessary: a. What was the source of the infection? b. Who was the reservoir? c. What was the portal of exit? d. What was the method of transmission For classroom: give students six different colored pieces of construction paper Have them watch the video and stop at each spot on the video that correlates to a link on the chain of infection. They may staple or tape the links together. You may need to do this more than once. Answer: (source (Ebola), Reservoir (bat), Portal of Exit (blood from bat when cut up), Method of Transmission (blood fr om bat on grandfather’s fingers and rubbed into eyes), Portal of Entry (eyes), susceptible host (grandfather). They may also choose source (Ebola), Reservoir (grandfather), Portal of Exit (stool, vomit, etc.,), Method of Transmission (hand to mouth), Portal of Entry (mouth or eyes), susceptible host (mother). Part II: Activity Choices: #1 Infection chain e. What was the portal of entry? f. Who was the susceptible host?
For the online version: Can be done at home using the same method, if students do not have colored paper, they can use different colored markers, crayons, etc.
Activity Choice: #2 Design your own infection or trace COVID-19 1. Research COVID-19. Trace this infection through the chain of infection. Students can create their own Zombie Apocalypse or SuperBug. a. Using your research information, fill in the links of the COVID-19 infection by drawing and describing each link in your own terms through pictures or words.
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