ILCTE Lesson Healthcare Ethics & Laws
Healthcare Ethics and Laws
What do you want the students to learn about this topic?
● Define key terms and key abbreviations related to healthcare ethics. ● Describe what ethical conduct looks like in healthcare. ● Explain how to prevent negligent acts while working in healthcare. ● Explain how to maintain professional boundaries necessary when working in healthcare.
Why do you think they need to know it (life skills, careers, etc.)?
● Knowledge of the code of ethics and nurse practice act is a required standard for Certified Nursing Assistants.
What Educational Standards are addressed?
National Health Science Standards: 2.1.2 Identify common barriers to communication. Students will have the ability to assess their own biases and stereotypes while examining case scenarios and choosing which patient is most appropriate for the heart transplant. 3.1.2 Examine the healthcare consumer’s rights and responsibilities within the healthcare system. Students will gain an understanding of individual and client’s rights in regard to ethics and prioritizing care of a patient(s). 4.1.1 Identify personal traits and attitudes desirable in a career ready member of a health team. Students will have the ability to reflect on their own beliefs and value system as a health care provider in making difficult choices related to medical care of clients.
Common Core ELA Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.11-12.7
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (video, multimedia, print) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Five years after graduation, what should they still know about this topic? How might they be using this knowledge/skill set?
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