F2F to Online
F2F to Online Agenda
50 minutes at Remote Learning Conference
Supplies needed: •
At least 3 sheets of paper for notes, paper airplane activity, and cartoon • Scissors will be helpful, but not necessary • Phone to take a photo and send email • Zoom Link: https://illinoisstate.zoom.us/j/93963188722 • Booklet link (includes agenda) https://user-myCZICl.cld.bz/Agenda-for-F2F-to-online- Participant-edition-1-hour
2:00 5 min 2:05 5 min
Introductions Brief introduction to ILCTE: who we are and what we do
Go to Jamboard.com. Write a joke or funny statement you have seen about online learning into a sticky note and post it.
2:10 10 min
Explore I/Explain I
Go to menti.com and write at least 3 best practices for online instruction that you have either done yourself or heard of someone else doing. We will discuss a few of the top ones. We will be building a paper airplane. What are some requirements of a good project for online instruction? Draw a cartoon that illustrates some aspect of what you have learned so far today. Take a photo of it and email it to Rod at rdmcqua@ilstu.edu. He will put them on the slide show and run it at the end of the workshop. We will review a flowchart for lesson conversion and apply it to the SCR 1 lesson.
2:20 10 min
Explore II/Explain II
2:30 5 min
2:35 10 min
2:45 5 min
View the show slides of cartoons. Brief discussion of our resources at www.ilcte.org
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