F2F to Online
➢ Nearpod – is an instructional platform that merges formative assessments and dynamic media for collaborative learning experiences. You can upload tech-enhanced materials or customize over 7,500 pre-made, standards-based lessons for all K-12 subjects. Students complete ass ignments independently while you gain insights into students’ understanding with post-session reports. Easily integrates with your LMS (i.e. Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology and more.) Teachers can sign up for FREE. https://nearpod.com/ CURRICULUM RELATED
➢ NEFE – the National Endowment for Financial Education champions effective financial education. NEFE encourages better understanding of personal finance by identifying and promoting in-depth exploration of financial issues of
concern to the public. https://www.nefe.org/ CURRICULUM RELATED
➢ NGPF – Next General Personal Finances offers a wide range of resources from assessments and answer keys and full 1-year course. You can access some services for FREE. https://www.ngpf.org/ CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ OnShape – Onshape is the only product development platform that unites CAD, data management, collaboration tools and real-time analytics. This is NOT a free resource. https://www.onshape.com/ CURRICUCLUM RELATED ➢ Onshape Education Standard - Onshape Education Standard, basic is FREE. The perfect CAD solution for students & educators to learn professional – grade 3D CAD in the classroom. Accessible on any device, anywhere, anytime. https://www.onshape.com/education-plan CURRICULUM RELATED ➢ P-Tech - FREE digital learning on the latest technologies, designed for teachers and students! Units that can supplement curriculum. https://www.ptech.org/ CURRICULUM RELATED ➢ Python – Acquire new skills fast in courses that combine short expert videos with immediate hands-on keyboard exercises. There is a FREE trial and a standard plan available for $25 per month. https://www.datacamp.com/courses/tech:python?utm_campaignid=282582107&utm_adgroupid=1152288699622 174&utm_device=c&utm_keyword=%2Blanguage%20%2BPython%20%2Blanguage&utm_matchtype=e&utm_netw ork=o&utm_adpostion=&utm_creative=&utm_targetid=kwd-72018474091212:loc- 190&utm_loc_interest_ms=&utm_loc_physical_ms=100755&msclkid=40cf583d18be176be39607b4f3d87ff2&utm_ source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Python%20Data%20Science%20%7C%20U.S.%20BING&utm_term =%2Blanguage%20%2BPython%20%2Blanguage&utm_content=Python%20Data%20Science%20-
%20Broad%20Modified CURRICULUM RELATED
➢ Readtheory.org – Improve your students reading comprehension. Personalized reading comprehension exercises for K-12 and ESL students. This is a FREE resource.
https://readtheory.com/ CURRICULUM RELATED
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