Childhood Illnesses Communicable Diseases
● Correct hand washing technique should always be used: ● upon arrival or return to the classroom ● before handling food or food utensils ● before and after feeding children ● before and after administering medication ● after changing diapers or handling items contaminated with mucus, urine, feces, vomitus, or blood ● after personally using the restroom ● after cleaning up from snack or play activities, emptying garbage, handling pets, or using art materials such as clay and paint ● after touching animals or playing in sand and dirt
Sanitary Diapering Procedures The consistent implementation of sanitary diapering procedures is important for reducing the spread of disease. Teachers should follow these steps:
Organize and label all supplies.
● Have all items for diaper changing within reach. ● Place a disposable covering (paper towel, paper roll) over a firm changing surface. Do not change children on fabric chairs or sofas that could become soiled. ● If using gloves, put them on. ● Pick up the child, holding him away from your clothing to avoid contamination. ● Place the child on the paper surface; fasten security belt. Remove the child's clothing and shoes if necessary to prevent them from becoming soiled. ● Remove the soiled diaper. Place disposable diapers in a covered, plastic-lined receptacle designated for this purpose; seal cloth diapers in a plastic bag and send home to be laundered. ● Clean the child's bottom with a disposable wipe and place the wipe in receptacle; pat skin dry with a paper towel. ● Remove the paper lining from beneath the child and discard. ● Wash your hands or wipe with a clean disposable wipe and discard. Never leave the child alone. ● Wash the child's hands under running water. ● Diaper and redress the child. Return the child to a play area. ● Disinfect the changing surface and any supplies or equipment that was touched with a chlorine bleach solution or other approved disinfectant. ● Remove gloves (if worn) and wash your hands again.
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