CEANCI CTE Graduate Profile Book
Bethea Tereasa
0\ ÀUVW HQFRXQWHU ZLWK QXUVLQJ ZDV P\ +HDOWK 2FFXSDWLRQ FODVV my sophomore year in high school. Mrs. Papke (my teacher) then introduced me to the new class that was being developed; the Medical Science Class. I had to interview for this class and was accepted. I completed the Medical Science class my junior year in high school (1997). Through the Medical Science class I HDUQHG P\ &HUWLÀHG 1XUVLQJ $VVLVWDQFH &HUWLÀFDWH , ZRXOG ODWHU complete high school in 1998; then obtaining my Associate Degree of Nursing from Kishwaukee Community College in 2003. In 2016 I completed my Bachelor of Nursing Degree.
Auburn High School, Auburn, IL Winnebago County
Some of the skills necessary for Nursing includes but not limited WR &RPPXQLFDWLRQ VNLOOV RUJDQL]DWLRQDO VNLOOV FRQÁLFW UHVROYLQJ skills, and critical thinking skills.
Medical Science Program and Health Occupations
Registered Nurse
My advice for CTE students would be to set goals for yourself and have a plan to reach your goals. Every day ask your self what step have you taken to reach the goal you have set. Be your best cheerleader!
Mercy Health System
Health Sciences and Technology
The Medical Science class had an huge impact on my career. This class gave understanding of the nursing process. Being a Certi ÀHG 1XUVLQJ $VVLVWDQW DOORZHG PH WR FDUH IRU SDWLHQWV DQG VXS port the nurses. I was stronger clinical wise. I knew how to care and how interact with patients.
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