CEANCI CTE Graduate Profile Book


In high school, I took as many manufacturing classes as I was allowed to. My senior year of high school I signed up for a sum- mer manufacturing program through the school district where I took a CNC programming and blueprint reading class where D JRW D 1,06 FHUWLÀFDWLRQ IRU D OHYHO &1& SURJUDPPHU 7KDW allowed me to go directly into the workforce and I have been at my current job since then where I am a toolmaker and a CNC programmer.


Maria Ramirez

Rockford, IL Winnebago County

Problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, willingness to learn new things and adapt, teamwork, blueprint reading, and most important good work ethic.

Metal shop, wood shop, electronics, automotive, computer classes

Die and Tool Maker/ CNC pro- grammer

If you look forward every day to going to your CTE classes what- ever those might be and you are really considering a career in WKH VDPH ÀHOG WDNH DGYDQWDJH RI WKHP DQG WDNH DV PDQ\ DV \RX can now because it will only help you in the future.

Header Die and Tool, Rockford, IL

Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology & Trades

All my classes were fun, easy and enjoyable for me. and as I con- tinue to take the types of classes that were more hands on and it was really fascinating for me to be able to build things with my own hands and that was what made me want to continue in this path.

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