Assessing with Tech Tools

➢ Web Paint (Chrome Extension) – Web Paint provides easy to use drawing tools that let you draw shapes, lines, and add text to live web pages and take screenshot (touch screen supported): Pencil tool - draw a custom line with the selected line width and color. PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ WhatsApp - Messenger, or simply WhatsApp, is an American freeware, cross-platform messaging and Voice over IP service owned by Facebook, Inc. It allows users to send text messages and voice messages, make voice and video calls, and share images, documents, user locations, and other media PEDAGOGY RELATED

➢ - FREE and easy to use. Used by teachers and for raffles. Enter names, spin wheel to pick a random winner. Customize look and feel , save and share wheels . PEDAGOGY RELATED

➢ - is an instant formative assessment tool for your classroom, providing you with live feedback and immediate overview over your students. Ask a question and let the whole class answer by using,l PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ - Create a new whiteboard and collaborate with others at the same time. Bring ideas, content and people together – from your computer, phone or tablet. PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Whoos Reading – Know who's reading. See automatic quiz results for every book* your student read, provided by our data-driven grading algorithm. *Students have done quizzes on more than 450,000 texts. Create independent thinkers to prepare your students for a world where the answers are not A, B, C, or D are not enough. PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Wix - Everything You Need to Get Started, Design & Customize Your Own Website Easily! Free plan available and s ubscription plans. WIX CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Wizer – Amaze your students with smarter worksheets. is a platform where teachers build beautiful engaging online worksheets. Teachers and students can create FREE accounts. PEDAGOGY RELATED

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