Assessing with Tech Tools

➢ Google Classroom Cheat Sheet for Students – if you plan to implement Google Classroom as a distant learning platform, this is a great resource for your students that provides basic information on the various tools Google Classroom provides. GOOGLE RELATED ➢ Google Classroom Cheat Sheet for Teachers – This document is a great resource for teachers that would like to learn the basics of Google Classroom for distant learning. sheet.pdf#:~:text=%20%20%20Title%20%20%20Free%20Google,Created%20Date%20%20%208%2F11%2F2020%2 04%3A32%3A21%20PM%20 GOOGLE RELATED

➢ Google earth - list of available Google Earth Virtual Field Trips. GOOGLE RELATED

➢ Google Keep -- use it a LOT (Google App) It is like having post-it notes all gathered into one place. GOOGLE RELATED

➢ Google Meet and Livestream Directions – real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser (you will need Google Chrome), share your video, desktop, and presentations with students. The linked document is a great step-by-step direction sheet for students learning how to do Google Meet Livestream for school. GOOGLE RELATED

➢ Google Translate - a chrome extension GOOGLE RELATED

➢ Hyperdocs check lists – a list of checks for checking your hyperdoc. This is a FREE resource. GOOGLE RELATED ➢ Jamboard – Jamboard is G Suite’s digital whiteboard that offers a rich collaborative experience for teams and classrooms. Watch your creativity unfold: you can create a Jam, edit it from your device, and share it others. Everybody can collaborate on the Jam anytime and anywhere. You can use your phone or tablet to join or open a Jam on a nearby board. GOOGLE RELATED

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