Assessing with Tech Tools




15 minutes Prep

1. When you log on, please put your name, subject and school in the Chat. 2. Also, please complete the pre-assessment survey if you have not already 3. Lastly, choose a tool that you are most familiar with and write your answer in the Chat. Your choices: Menti, Jamboard, Edpuzzle. Brief introduction to the ILCTE project and some of the opportunities and resources available. We will explain how the information being shared today was developed. 1. Play Kahoot game 2. Determine your score based on the grading scale given to you. 3. We will discuss your thoughts about your designated grade and how we may be able to assess this Kahoot game differently. Go into breakout rooms. You will be creating an assessment using your chosen tech tool on how to properly wash your hands. Be ready to discuss your idea to the group. Each group will present their assessment using the assigned tech tool. After group presentations, discuss: 1. What did you think about each assessment? 2. Does your specific tech tool give you the means to accurately assess students? Go into breakout rooms. Evaluate your current assessment and determine if all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy are covered. If not, make necessary changes to your assessment. If you determine that your tech tool cannot be used for a higher level, choose another tool that would and modify that assessment using the new tool. Share with the group the process of how you edited your assessment/tech tool to reach all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Everyone selects one strategy illustrated in this workshop that they will implement and explain why. Write it down and submit it via Jam Board. Share details of PDU credit and conduct the post-survey. What follow-up sessions should we schedule?


Start 5 minutes

Welcome and intro

10 minutes


Kahoot and discussion

20 minutes

Explore I

Breakout rooms: Create assessment

15 minutes


Group presentations and discussions

25 minutes

Elaborate 1

Breakout rooms: Assessment Edits

5 minutes

Elaborate 2

Group discussion Evaluate Use Jam Board

5 minutes

5 minutes

Wrap Up

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