Assessing with Tech Tools
➢ Tinker CAD - It is a CAD tool and an electronics tool. Tinkercad is an easy-to-use 3D CAD design tool and Electronics Workbench. Quickly turn your idea into a CAD model for a 3D printer with Tinkercad. Lessons for teachers. Tinkercad is a free online collection of software tools that help people all over the world think, create and make. We’re the ideal introduction to Autodesk, the leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. This cloud based tool also allows students to breadboard electronic circuits and use meters and oscilloscope to test the circuit. CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ ToolingU - Tooling U-SME, formerly Tooling University, is an American non-profit educational technology and blended learning organization that produces learning management system software, certifications and content for the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing training -- FREE TRIAL but there is a fee after trial ends. CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ VEX-VR Maze in Python Tutorial – “ VEX VR Robotics with Python coding." It is a cloud base simulator using Python programming code to control a Robot through a maze. VR+Maze+in+python+tutorial&qpvt=VEX-VR+Maze+in+python+tutorial&FORM=VDRE CURRICULUM RELATED ➢ Virtual Box – allows users to run other types of platforms other than what is on their computer. Ideal when teaching different operative systems. CURRICULUM RELATED ➢ Wix - Everything You Need to Get Started, Design & Customize Your Own Website Easily! Free plan available and s ubscription plans. cpc&experiment_id=wix%5Ebe%5E79783360752420%5Ewix CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED ➢ Wixie (Tech4Learning) - Wixie helps students share their ideas, imagination, and understanding through their writing, their voice, and their art. Wixie lets teachers easily plan, implement, and assess lessons whether students are working in class or at home. Keep the creativity flowing at home and in school. This is NOT a free resource. ➢ Wonderopolis – Where the wonders of learning never cease. 243,810 questions in the Wonder Bank and counting! CURICULUM RELATED ➢ WordPress – Gives you everything you need to start your own website today. Free hosting, your own domains, a world class support team and much more. This is NOT a free resource. For personal use, it will cost $48 a year. They offer a package best for “freelancers” will cost $96 a year. CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY RELATED CURRICULUM RELATED
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