GAME PLAY 1. 24 TOSS UP QUESTIONS - Best of 3 Toss Up TIE BREAKER - NO BONUS 2. ONE TIME OUT PER TEAM / PER HALF (subs can be made at TO, half, or before OT). 3. Students will have 10 SECONDS to BUZZ after the end of the question. 4. Students will have 3 SECONDS to ANSWER after being recognized to answer. 5. Other team has 3 SECONDS to REBOUND buzz after a missed question. 6. A PROTEST should be made immediately, before the next question is started. Moderator will be instructed to accept answers from the script ONLY (moderators have discretion). 7. SPELLING QUESTIONS are like a spelling bee. IF you start, you can start over, but IF you change letters from the first time you spell the word, you will be wrong. 8. Players ARE allowed to write on PAPER for math or spelling. They should NOT be conferring during the reading of the question or writing notes to a teammate during the reading of the question.

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